Welcome to Changing Tides Foundation‘s #plasticswearjar Challenge!
“By 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. 91% of plastics are not recycled. 79% of plastic created still exists in our environment. every minute, one garbage truck of plastics enters our oceans. this is a major problem for our wildlife, our oceans and our environment.”
On Sunday 22nd April we celebrated Earth Day and this year’s focus was on single-use plastics ~ so the Starboard Team is rising to the #plasticswearjar challenge to create awareness and start paying attention to the plastic problem ~ and we’d like YOU to join us in an effort to reconsider how much single-use plastic you are using in your day a day life!
Here’s how it works: if you use a single-use plastic object, you pay a tax. During this week every single-use plastic object you use (outside and inside the office) it will be a “swear” and for every swear you should put $1 (or what feels appropriate) in the jar. At the end of the week, the money of the jar will be used to support @changingtidesfoundation‘s environmental initiatives.
Objective: to bring awareness to the amount of single-use plastics purchased and used in our daily lives by creating accountability.
Swear: for purposes of this challenge, a “swear” is each time you use or purchase a single-use plastic item (see the list below for commonly used single-use plastics)
Rules are simple:
1. designate a container as your #plasticswearjar and decorate it so that it’s obvious what it’s for;
2. keep track of all of your “swears” each day (on your phone, IOU’s or whatever works);
3. for each “swear”, place $1 (or whatever feels fair) into the jar;
4. let everyone know you’re participating by sharing a photo or video with your challenge, stating ‘I swear’ and tag @changingtidesfoundation & #plasticswearjar & #isweartobeaware for your chance to be featured and win a GoPro Hero 6 and some of our eco-friendly goodies.
At the end of the 7 days, you have the option to donate the funds to changing tides foundation via our #plasticswearjar fundraiser page, which will be used to benefit their environmental initiatives.
Be honest! this won’t work unless we hold ourselves accountable.
Remember, this isn’t about being perfect, it’s about becoming more aware.
Other tips and ideas:
- Use your phone, a notepad or IOU’s to keep track of your “swears”.
- Get your household (family/roommates/kids) to participate.
- Get this going at work and invite your office to participate
- Take note of how many “swears” you make per day and track your daily progress.
Most common single-use plastics (“swears”) and eco-alternatives:
- Plastic bags (CTF baguito reusable bags)
- Plastic water bottles (CTF Mizu water bottles)
- Plastic cups (CTF stainless steel cups/mason jar)
- Plastic straws (use simply straws glass straws)
- Plastic utensils (use CTF bamboo utensils)
- Plastic saran/ziplock/sandwich bags (bees wrap)
- Plastic bottle caps and wrappers